Sunday, 16 February 2014

exercise: shooting a short sequence

You are an alcoholic alone in your home

  • You look around your empty room
  • Nothing interests you
  • You notice a bottle
  • You hold the bottle and unscrew the lid
  • Something attracts your attention, you look round
  • Nothing happens
  • You look back at the bottle and pour yourself a drink 
Sketch out some basic story boards to remind yourself of the images you visualised. 
Record these shots on your video camera.  

I sketched the sequence the day before. It was a rainy day so I was visualising a quite depressing sequence. It turned out that the day after was a beautiful and sunny day, even though, I guess images are more appealing this way. 

1. The protagonist is alone at home
2. She has a coffee. 
3. Watches TV, nothing interesting. When she looks around she senses the bottle that she knows is on the shelf. 
4. She tries to distract herself with a book, but she can't concentrate
5. She stands up and decides to pour herself a drink
6. When she takes the bottle with shaky hands she hear's her name... is there somebody at home? ... no, that's not possible...
7. There's no one in the room so she pours the wine.
8. She drinks.

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

I came across this series of photos by photographer Miyoko Ihara. I want to share the link, although I would not dare to comment on them (not yet) as I have not done any of the photography courses. Just say that I have enjoyed not only the nature of the pictures, the two main subject matters and the feeling they transmit, but also the light and the vibrant colours.

MAD//13 - Madrid Aerial Demo-Reel from cromatica45 on Vimeo.

A friend sent me this video earlier today. I love how the music works with it, and the beauty of the scenes, just because of the angle, the slow motion and the clarity and quality of the image... probably also because it's Madrid, it's my city, and I miss it so much.

Am I being subjective?

What do you think?

The song is Any Other Time, by Thomas Newman, and it goes perfectly with simple images, as it can be seen in the movie American Beauty, in the scene of the bag: a carrier bag is dancing with the wind, in random directions, up and down, then static for an instant, then again... and the music helps to find the scene surprisingly moving and beautiful.